If we look at annual figures, anywhere between three and six billion trees are being chopped down all over the world. This has to do with the demand for items that are created from trees. For instance, paper is utilized both in the home and workplace and wood is used in the construction of houses. We all must take responsibility in maintaining our woodlands even if there are things we have to use that are made from trees.
Even though we have Arbor Day, and we all should plant a tree every Arbor Day, that is only taking care of a small part of the problem. Planting trees is not an activity that a lot of people give any thought to. If they did, we would be all ready to go.
The world population is likely around the 7 billion mark. The actual figures naturally fluctuate and so this is a calculated estimate. However, if each of those 7 billion people went out and planted a tree every Arbor Day, we would be replacing all the trees that were dropped that year. We know in reality that this is not likely to happen.
Thus, planting trees is something you need to consider if you are worried about the air we breathe and the environment. And I don’t mean to just go out once each year and plant a tree. How about planting trees each week or at least once a month? The reason is because someone has to make up for all of those are using our resources but refuse to plant a tree for whatever reason.
Numbers indicate that anywhere up to 15 million trees are planted on Arbor Day. Thus annually, we are short by more or less 5 billion trees. And each year, it simply keeps getting worse.
A complete answer is required that still encourages men and women to plant trees but I would likewise propose the following. It could be made a legal requirement that anyone involved in the felling of trees must replace each tree cut down with two newly planted ones and this would go a long way to resolving the problem.
But then, until someone can turn this into reality, we are left to take care of replacing the trees ourselves. Trying to keep those tree numbers up will not actually take a lot of effort. The number of trees cut down per year could be replaced if ten percent of the world’s population planted one tree once a month. Approximately 7 billion new trees would be planted by doing this. And that 1 billion extra trees are just what we need in order to get our tree population back to where it must be.
So for anyone who wants to make a positive difference to our world, go plant a tree. Don’t forget that we merely need 10% of the people worldwide to make a commitment to this. And you can be one of them.